Our specialists provide expert care at completely transparent and affordable prices.
Our facility is owned and operated by the same physicians who care for you.
There’s no middleman, which means the savings are passed on directly to you.
We let you focus on your health, instead of worrying about your hospital bill.
The mission of the Surgery Center of Amarillo is to provide exceptional quality of care and service to our Patients in a state-of-the-art multispecialty facility.
The Surgery Center of Amarillo is an outpatient ambulatory surgery center aimed at providing excellent quality of care in a safe and effective surgical environment for our Patients and Medical Staff.
1. To provide exceptional quality of care to our Patients
2. To create a safe and effective surgical environment for our Patients and Medical Staff
3. To minimize the stress and anxiety associated with surgery by maintaining an atmosphere of compassion and understanding
4. To provide a medical facility that adheres to the highest of clinical standards
5. To constantly strive for advancing our quality of care by improving our knowledge of our Medical Staff by means of training and education and keeping up with latest surgical advancements and technologies
6. To ensure and improve quality of care through strict adherence to policies and standards set by the Texas Department of State Health Services
The Surgery Center of Amarillo is an ambulatory surgery center located in the medical district of Amarillo, providing convenient access to excellent medical care for patients in the Northwest Texas and Tri-State Region. We are a state-of-the-art multispecialty facility owned and operated by some of the top surgeons in the Texas Panhandle.
Our physicians have been serving the Amarillo, Texas area for years and are invested in the well-being of their community. With healthcare costs continuously rising, they recognized the need to clear the confusion and put the decision-making power back into the hands of patients. The Surgery Center of Amarillo was created with the mission of providing top-notch care at completely transparent pricing.
Our Pricing is 100% Transparent. Check out our procedures and contact a specialist today.